What is a smart or digital lock?

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A smart lock is an electromechanical lock that operates with instructions from a commander and using secure, wireless and encrypted protocols.

Smart locks also control access and send alerts to the home owner or the place where these types of locks are used. Digital locks can be considered a part of a smart and modern home.
This type of locks are one of the widely used achievements of IOT or Internet of Things technology, which have been popular in recent years due to the high security they provide to their audience.
Most smart locks are installed on top of mechanical locks (simple types of locks) and physically upgrade conventional locks.
Digital locks, like traditional locks, require two main parts to function: the lock and the key.
In the case of electronic locks, the key is not a physical key, but a smartphone or a password that is set directly for this purpose and wirelessly performs the authentication required to open the door.
How do smart locks work?
Smart lock

Smart locks allow their users to issue access to a third party to open it through a virtual key. This key can be sent to the recipient’s smartphone via standard messaging protocols such as email or SMS. After receiving this key, the recipient will be able to unlock the smart lock within the time period previously specified by the sender.
Smart locks are able to be accessed remotely through a smartphone app. Some smart locks include built-in Wi-Fi connectivity that allows monitoring features such as access notifications or a camera to show who is requesting access.
Smart locks with built-in wireless or Bluetooth capabilities allow users to lock or unlock a door by sending secure signals from their smartphone, computer, or tablet. Digital locks offer people a new experience in home security with the ability to personalize who can access the home. Some of these locks have the ability to recognize voice and face.

What can a smart lock do?
Smart building door lock

A smart lock gives its user a complete list of features and capabilities that no normal lock can offer. The main thing when looking at smart locks is to choose one that can connect to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi at the same time. Some of these locks only connect to Bluetooth. If your door is too far from the center of the smart home for a secure connection via Bluetooth, or if it only has wireless capabilities, when the Internet is cut off, its control capabilities will be questioned, and these questions will be answered below.

Different types of smart or digital locks are available in the market. These locks are divided into different categories based on their features and functions. Accordingly, smart locks may include some or all of the features you will read below:

1- Connecting to Wi-Fi:
Wi-Fi connectivity lets you keep track of logins online, so you’ll always know who entered your home and when they left.

2- Connecting to Bluetooth
Bluetooth connection allows you to open your smart lock by connecting and bringing it closer to the mobile phone.
3- Types of cryptography of digital locks
Password digital lock

There are options for unlocking smart cell phone locks that can be remotely controlled and assigned custom code numbers for anyone to enter your home via fingerprint, voice command, facial recognition, etc.

4- The ability to create a one-time login password
You can create permanent or temporary (one-time) access codes for guests, cleaning services, pets, and any family member, while this feature increases the security of locks against hacker attacks.
5- Creating restrictions for input codes
Encryption of digital locks
Encryption of digital locks

Restrictions can be set for access to each entry code. Restrictions can include specific days of the week and hours so that password holders can only access your home at approved times. For example, the service forces who only want to enter the house on a certain day and time and do not need to be allowed to enter all the time.

6- Automatic lock
Auto-lock options allow you to set your smart lock to automatically lock the door if the lock is left open for a specified period of time.
7- Warning system in case of illegal entry
If someone tries to log into the system or tamper with the smart lock, alerts will be received by the smartphone. You can also set the smart lock to automatically notify the police or a home security service if something like this happens.
8- Connecting the digital lock to the rest of the smart home components
Connecting digital locks
Connecting digital locks

The smart home can be set to activate other devices when the door is digitally locked, for example, smart lights can be set to turn on or off when the door is locked.

9- Synchronization with CCTV cameras
For more home security, some smart locks have the possibility of synchronizing with closed-circuit cameras inside the building for more control and can perform monitoring for the user.

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Common concerns about smart locks
Security of digital locks

When it comes to the security of your home and family, it’s natural to have concerns about getting a new device that you may have little experience or resources to use. Here are some common concerns about smart locks that many people have:

1- Can hackers open the smart lock and enter my home using Wi-Fi connection?
The most important thing to keep all your smart home devices safe from hackers and electronic tampering is to make sure your Wi-Fi system is set up using the best security practices. One of these methods is the use of a secure password. Passwords for your smart lock and all Wi-Fi enabled smart home devices controlled via computers, smartphones, tablets and more should be secure and unguessable in every way. Setting up your Wi-Fi correctly is the safest way to protect against hackers.

As mentioned, you can use a card, fingerprint, facial recognition, voice, etc. to enter, all of which increase the security of the home and digital locks. Just as traditional locks are not safe from thieves, digital locks are certainly not safe from this intrusion either; But the security of digital locks is in no way comparable to the security of traditional locks, and using safe passwords can minimize this risk.

2- How much do digital locks cost?
Perhaps the concern about the prices of digital locks is one of the most common questions. Most people think that the phenomenon of IOT or the Internet of Things will have a huge cost wherever it steps; But the use of smart locks, which is directly related to home and family security, is definitely worth the cost. In this case, it should be said that depending on the brand, model and features of these locks that we explained earlier, the prices will be from 100 to 300 dollars.

3- How can I enter the house if the internet connection or electricity is cut?
Mechanical key

We must keep in mind that the manufacturers of digital locks have already anticipated all the guesswork and possible problems. Many smart lock models also have traditional mechanical keys that you can use as a regular lock if needed. In addition, the Bluetooth connection works during Internet outages. Smart locks are designed with these issues in mind.

In the end, it should be said that the unique and attractive features of digital locks, such as automatic locking, warnings, entry and exit control, etc., make the user completely confident about the security of his home or any other place. For example, in smart locks, you don’t have to worry about locking the door anymore because as soon as the door is closed, the digital lock will automatically lock itself, and as mentioned, any type of unauthorized entry will alert the home owner or the security forces. will be.
Smart locks (card lock, fingerprint door lock, pool lock, etc.) along with their unique technology, have eliminated many problems of old mechanical locks and provided security to their users.

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