Types of lock keys and their uses

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Have you ever noticed the keys that are in your pocket or bag and with which you open the door of your house, car, parking lot and workplace? Are all keys the same? Which one is better than the other? How do they work? If you also want to know the answers to these questions, the types of lock keys and their uses, we recommend that you read this wrench article to the end.

Important Notes
Keys and locks were created centuries ago and have become smaller, lighter and smarter over time.
Key locks such as immobilizers were developed to enhance security to a great extent.
In places like hotels and inns, there is a key called a key that can open different doors.

History of locks and keys
The age of different types of lock keys dates back to about 6000 years ago. With these locks and keys, the doors of houses, prisons and old shops were opened and closed. Therefore, it is not surprising if many locks and keys have an antique appearance and instead of being seen in hand, we see them in museums, antique shops or antique shops. Such keys are no longer useful today because the appearance of modern doors has changed and they need keys for other locks.

Open the closed door
Lock and door replacement
Key making
Opening the safe box
spare remote
Carding the door lock
Repair and manufacture of all types of keys and locks
Today’s keys have a smaller appearance than the old keys to fit easily in the pocket. The keys of the locks are tighter than before. So with these interpretations, the appearance of the keys must be completely different from the past! Let’s take a look at the types of lock keys that we all have in our hands today and open different doors with them.

Types of keys and their use

Home keys
All houses have locks and keys, so it can be said that house keys are the most used type of lock keys. Although the series of keys may have a different shape, but the narrow part of the key that sits inside the lock has an edge shape that can be seen between 2 and 5 edges. These ridges or ridges make the key unique, match your home’s door lock, and increase security. That’s why you can only use your own key to open your door.

Types of lock keys

car key
With the help of the car switch, we open and close the car door, and turn the car itself on and off. The switch lock is under the steering wheel and right in front of the driver’s hand. After this key is in place and turned, the car is powered. The switch, like any other key, only works on one car.

anti-theft key; Another type of lock key
These keys are also called immobilizers, which are also found in cars. These locks are currently the smartest key locks you can find on the market. With the decrease in security and the increase in theft, these locks have gained many fans because they provide people with peace of mind. These locks are used to close the doors of commercial, office and residential buildings. These locks are equipped with a separate power source that supplies the energy they need and they continue to work if the building’s electricity is cut. No thief can open these locks.

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master key
Another type of lock key is the master key. These keys can open several types of locks and that is why they are called master keys. In buildings where there are several units, inns and hotels, there is a master key. These keys are usually in the hands of the building owner or manager who can open the doors when needed.

card key
These days, the doors of many places, such as hotel rooms, are opened without a normal key and with a card. Of course, to use these cards, the door lock must also be a card reader. After placing this card in the card reader, its barcode is read and if it matches, the door is opened. The security of this type of smart door is very high.

Card key – types of keys

A computer key is a type of lock key
The new generation of lock keys that have entered the market are computer keys. But what is a computer key? In the construction of all types of computer keys, instead of the fine and coarse ribs that we see on normal keys, there is a hole. These keys are made in such a way that it can be said that the security of these keys is more than normal keys; But you have to consider that these days the reproduction of computer keys has become very easy and unfortunately some of these keys may fit into several locks. So, if you have decided to change your key and you are wondering whether a computer key is better or a normal key, it can be said that there is no difference in terms of security.

What is a computer key?

Familiarity with several lock models
Now that we have checked the keys, it is better to take a look at the locks.

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Construction lock
Mortise lock with handle: This lock is built-in and is installed inside the door. It can be cuffed with a variety of keys.
Brain lock – without handle: this model of locks is usually used in warehouses and roofs. These locks are one-way and can be opened and closed only from one side of the door.
Horned brain lock: The sliding doors of the building usually use this type of lock.
Bathroom brain lock: keys are not used for these locks; Instead, the door handle plays the role of a key by turning it. Also, it is not possible to lock them from outside.
Computer Brain Lock: In When we talked about card keys, we said that these cards use a card reader, which is the same as a computer brain lock. These locks scan the card and open the door if it matches the information entered. Nowadays, this type of lock key is used in most luxury hotels.
electric lock
Small magnetic lock: These locks are heavy and weigh about 1 kg. They are used to lock cabinets, windows, various closets and safes and important places.
Electronic lock: These locks are smart and have detection sensors. They are used for all kinds of doors and they have a high durability. Usually, due to the good security of these electric locks, they are used in exchanges, banks, antique stores and jewelry stores.
Button lock
Button lock is a smart and very widely used lock that is used in various buildings.

This lock has two parts: mechanical and electronic.

Its electric part, which has a button, opens the door. The mechanical part is also used when the power of the device fails. The buttons used in these locks are smart, and if lost, the owner of the lock can delete the password and activate a new password. These locks do not require wiring and their security factor is very high.

Electric lock of the building

The final part
In this article, you got acquainted with the types of keys and their use. Thus, you can choose a key and a lock better. Also, if you need a skilled and professional expert to make keys and change locks, Achareh team is ready to help you at any hour of the day or night. All you have to do is call 1471 or go to Achareh’s website and place your order.

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