What is the best Iranian anti-theft lock?

The best Iranian anti-theft lock
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Fortunately, in the last few years, the Iranian anti-theft lock industry has made significant progress and they have a good share of this market. Oxinage is one of the best Iranian anti-theft lock manufacturers.

But if we want to definitely choose one of the brands as the best Iranian anti-theft lock. We must consider several factors:

Features of the best Iranian anti-theft lock

When choosing the best Iranian anti-theft lock, you should pay attention to various factors, the most important of which are:

build quality

The quality of construction is one of the most important factors in choosing an anti-theft lock. A high-quality lock is made of high-quality and durable materials and is resistant to all kinds of theft methods.

The number of tabs

The number of tabs is another effective factor in the security of the anti-theft lock. The greater the number of tabs, the greater the security of the lock.

Security mechanisms

Security mechanisms are also effective factors in anti-theft lock security. Locks that have different security mechanisms are more resistant to various theft methods.


The price is also one of the effective factors in choosing an anti-theft lock. Locks with high manufacturing quality and different security mechanisms usually have a higher price.


The brand is also one of the effective factors in choosing an anti-theft lock. Locks produced by reputable brands are usually of high quality and have various security mechanisms.

In the following, we will examine each of these factors:

build quality

The quality of anti-theft lock construction can be recognized by checking the raw materials used in it, the way it is made and the type of coating.

The raw materials used in the anti-theft lock must be of high quality. Generally, anti-theft locks are made of basic materials such as steel, brass and plastic. Steel is the best raw material for making anti-theft locks because it is very strong and durable.

How to make an anti-theft lock should also be carefully checked. Anti-theft locks must be made in such a way that they are resistant to impact, pressure and other destructive factors.

The type of anti-theft lock cover can also affect its quality. Anti-theft locks that have a rustproof coating are more resistant to moisture and environmental factors.

The number of tabs

The number of tabs is one of the most effective factors in the security of an anti-theft lock. The greater the number of tabs, the greater the security of the lock.

The anti-theft lock tabs are placed inside the door hinge when the lock is closed and prevent the door from opening. The more tabs, the more time thieves need to open the lock and the less likely they are to succeed.

Security mechanisms

Security mechanisms are also effective factors in anti-theft lock security. Locks that have different security mechanisms are more resistant to various theft methods.

Some of the anti-theft lock security mechanisms are:

Anti-drill mechanism: This mechanism prevents the drill from entering the lock.
Anti-Dilm Mechanism: This mechanism prevents the Dilm from entering the lock.
Anti-cross mechanism: This mechanism prevents the lock from being opened with a cross.
Anti-acid mechanism: This mechanism prevents the lock from being damaged by acid.

The price of the anti-theft lock varies depending on the quality of construction, the number of tabs, security mechanisms and its brand. In general, locks with high manufacturing quality and different security mechanisms usually have a higher price.

Authentic brands of Iranian anti-theft locks

Currently, the reliable brands of Iranian anti-theft locks are:


These brands have a high quality of construction and consist of several tabs that help increase their security. Also, these locks have various security mechanisms that make them resistant to various theft methods.

In the following, we introduce each of these brands:


One of the best Iranian anti-theft locks is the Oxinage lock. This lock has a high build quality and consists of several tabs that help increase its security. Also, the Oxinage lock has various security mechanisms that make it resistant to all kinds of theft methods.

Oxinage locks are produced in different types, each of which has its own characteristics.


Kale lock is one of the most famous Iranian anti-theft lock brands. This lock has a high build quality and consists of several tabs that help increase its security. The cap lock also has various security mechanisms that make it resistant to various theft methods. Some of the most popular Iranian anti-theft lock models are:

Kale lock 817: This lock has 6 steel tabs that work simultaneously. This lock also has an anti-drill and anti-theft mechanism.
Kale 822 lock: This lock has 8 steel tabs that work simultaneously. This lock has an anti-drill, anti-theft, and anti-dilam mechanism.
Kale lock 833: This lock has 10 steel tabs that work simultaneously. This lock has an anti-drill, anti-theft, anti-dilam and anti-acid mechanism.


Duff anti-theft lock is one of the famous brands of Turkey, which is produced under the license of this company in Iran and is sold in the market under the name of Iranian anti-theft lock. These locks are at a very reasonable price considering the imported anti-theft locks. They have better quality besides having good quality.


Siza is an anti-theft lock of Italian origin that is produced in the country under the license of this brand. Siza is one of the oldest brands in the Iranian market. One of the best Iranian anti-theft locks is Siza. The most famous Siza locks are The electric anti-theft lock is a tortoise with the same head as a cow. One of the best Iranian courtyard door locks is this Siza.


YouTube lock is one of the new Iranian anti-theft lock brands. This lock has a high build quality and consists of several tabs that help increase its security. YouTube Lock also has various security mechanisms that make it resistant to various theft methods.


Titan lock is another new brand of Iranian anti-theft lock. Iranian Titan anti-theft locks are more famous in the field of car security. Titan locks are highly secure and cannot be opened easily with any key.

Conclusion of the best anti-theft lock in Iran

By specifying your needs and conditions from various points of view, you can get the best Iranian anti-theft lock at a much more reasonable price than foreign counterparts. As the best manufacturer of anti-theft locks, Oxinage Company has been able to obtain the satisfaction of most of its customers and considers this the greatest honor for itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the important criteria in choosing the best Iranian anti-theft lock?

High build quality, more tabs, high security mechanism and good brand are all important features and factors of the best Iranian anti-theft lock.

What are the brands and brands that produce the best Iranian anti-theft locks?

DAF (under Turkish bachelor’s degree)
Siza (Undergraduate in Italy)

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