What are the features of the best electric yard anti-theft lock?

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What lock should we choose to choose the best anti-theft electric lock?

The best anti-theft electric lock is Oxinaj anti-theft electric lock. From the distant past until today, security has been one of the most important concerns of people. One of the things whose security is important is the protection of property. Usually, locks are installed on the doors of houses, shops, closets, drawers, etc. to protect property. Therefore, people are always looking for the safest lock for doors.

Considering that the doors are different, each door has its own lock. In the past, chain or iron locks were used, but today, with the advancement of industries, locks have also taken on a new form and are available in various types of electric or computer locks.

What are the features of the best anti-theft electric lock?

An electric lock is a type of security lock that works with electricity and makes locks without keys. The electric lock is used to open or lock the doors of the yard, hotel, office, parking lot, offices, boxes and other locking systems. In this type of lock, it is not necessary to open and close the door with a key, but the doors can be opened by card or code. Also, this lock can be controlled remotely using a remote control and an iPhone. The electric lock is designed in such a way that as soon as the door is closed, it becomes a three-way lock. As mentioned above, one of the best brands of electric lock for the courtyard door is Osinage.

Due to the above features and high security of the electric lock, many people use it for the door of the yard and parking lot. The best electric lock for the yard door can be set in two ways: the door opens when the power is cut off or when the power is connected. There are electric locks in different voltages such as 12V-2A and 24V-1A.

Here are some key features to consider when choosing the best anti-theft electric lock:

build quality
The number of tabs
Security mechanisms
Biometric capabilities

The high-quality electric lock is made of high-quality and durable materials and is resistant to all kinds of theft methods. An electric lock with more tabs is also more secure. Electric locks with different security mechanisms are also more resistant to all kinds of theft methods. Electric lock with biometric capabilities is also more secure. An electric lock with a warranty can also ease your mind about after-sales service in case of a problem.

The types of electric locks are: colony electric lock, cow head lock, tongued electric lock, magnetic electric lock, electric opposite lock.

What features does a computer lock have?

Another type of lock that exists today is a lock with a computer key. The reason for its name is because its design and shooting are modern. These keys are more secure than locks and ordinary keys. The good advantage of the computer key is that the key is bi-directional and the door can be opened from either side. Another feature of it is its high strength and installation on wooden and iron doors.

There are different types of computer keys, depending on the application and need, you can choose the most suitable one. The types of computer keys are: two-groove key (double-edged key), 10-point computer key, 6-point computer key, encrypted 10-point computer key.

Comparison of electric lock and computer key for courtyard door

With the possibility of remote control, the electric lock provides the possibility of opening and closing the door electronically using the remote control, but the computer lock is opened with a key.
The security of an electric lock is much higher than a computer key. An electric lock cannot be opened by force, but it is easy to copy a computer lock, and one key can unlock many doors. Therefore, a common yard lock with a computer key is less convenient and secure than an electric yard door lock.
The cost of buying and installing an electric lock is higher than a computer lock.
In the event of a power outage, a backup system (such as a battery) should be used for the best electric patio door lock so that it can be used normally.

Is an electric lock for the yard door more secure or a computer key?

Considering the above, it can be said that the safest lock for the yard and parking lot is an electric lock. But if you have other things in mind, you can choose one of the types of electric lock, computer key or normal key according to your needs, preferences and budget.

The best anti-theft and parking electric locks are Oxinaz electric locks. Exinage has a large share of the lock and key market.

Conclusion of the best anti-theft lock for the courtyard door

If you are looking for a brand that has the best quality and security in the lock, we recommend Oxinage locks. Oxygen locks are made of iron, brass, and steel, so they have high strength in terms of resistance.

In terms of security, they have successfully passed all security tests such as destruction of drills, saws, scissors and have produced locks at the level of foreign locks. We should also mention that Oxinage locks have a warranty and its duration is 30 months from the time of installation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the important points in choosing the best anti-theft electric lock?

The quality of construction, the number of tabs, security mechanisms, biometric capabilities and warranty are the things that you should consider when choosing the best electric lock.

Features of computer locks?

The design and ball bearing of computer locks is modern. These keys have higher security than locks and ordinary keys. They are two-way and the door can be opened from either side. Other features of these locks include high strength and the ability to be installed on wooden and iron doors.

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